You’ll notice that there are some players who tend to play too many hands at a poker table – this is called loose play. Generally, they play more than 50% of the hands they receive. While this is a poker strategy that can pay off in the short term (especially if they are lucky), in the long run, this type of player almost always loses. If you want to last in a tournament, it is important to select your hands carefully at the beginning. What’s more, good hands allow you to increase your cash game capital.
On the other hand, you have players who like to play rather tight, meaning that they play their cards rather infrequently. While this poker strategy may seem boring, it is much more profitable. When you play poker, instead of trying to figure out why you have to get into “a hand,” try to figure out why you shouldn’t get into it. Once you’ve drawn your cards, you should only play if your cards are good, or your opponents are weak, or your position at the table is to your advantage. At least at the beginning of a session, avoid playing more than 15 or 20% of your hands.
What about passive or aggressive play?

At the poker table, a passive player is one who only calls or never raises, if at all. On the other hand, the aggressive player is the one who bets and raises very often during the game. All in all, you should know that ultimately, the best strategy to play online poker and be unbeatable in the long run is to play tight-aggressive. Never rush into a pot, but when you decide to go in, do it aggressively. This strategy will allow you to reduce your opponents’ field and put all the chances of winning the pot on your side.